About Us! Sene Valley Women

Sene Valley has a friendly, welcoming women’s section! We play competitive and social golf on our beautiful course, located just outside of Hythe town.

Tuesday mornings are dedicated to Women’s Stableford or Medal competitions, and we also play weekend competitions! Entry to all competitions can be easily booked online using the Club members' app.

We participate in many of the Kent knockouts and team competitions, including:
Pearson trophy In June 2024, we made it to the finals of the Kent Pearson held at Cherry Lodge in Kent. https://pearsontrophykent.co.uk/
Bradley Cook - 5-a-side Team Scratch Inter-Club Matchplay https://www.kentgolf.org/competition2.php?tab=details&compid=1802
Business Ladies League – Teams comprised of working women, playing home and away matches at weekends.

We also hold mixed competitions throughout the year including Captain’s Day, President’s Day, the Thistle Cup (Men vs Women), and Summer knockout competitions.

Friendly 'roll-ups' are a chance to meet new people and play fun golf! We play a variety of friendly home & away matches with other Kent clubs that are held during the week and at weekends during the Summer season.

Mixed Social Golf - Join us for a fun monthly 14-hole mixed competition and supper during the summer months. We also enjoy a variety of planned social activities throughout the year.

We know there is a lot to take in when you start a new sport or return after a break. If you're new to the Club, you'll be welcomed with a detailed introduction pack and have the offer of a dedicated mentor to support you for your first three months of Club membership.

Want to find out more? Get in touch - call our General Manager Jo on 01303 268513 (option 1) for an informal chat, or email manager@senevalleygolfclub.co.uk



Join our NEW women's golf school...

Designed by women, for women, our new golf school is a great way to get into - or come back to - golf.

NO KIT NEEDED! Just wear comfortable trainers and clothes, and we'll provide everything else to get you started.

A course of weekly golf experience lessons from our friendly team of Golf Professionals and fully supported by women golfers, our 8-week course will help you learn the basics of golf ... and get your 9th SESSION FREE!

Just £79.00 per person. Contact our Pro Shop team on 01303 268513 for full details, or pop into the Club and speak to our General Manager Jo.

- Join - Learn - Grow - Have Fun -


Come back soon... for exciting news on our NEW Women's Golf Academy!

Swipe left or right to view images.

R&A Women in Golf Charter

The R&A, supported by England Golf, launched the Women in Golf Charter in May 2018.

Sene Valley Golf Club were awarded Charter status in March 2024 and are committed to the principles of the R&A / England Golf "Women In Golf" Charter. Our Club Charter ensures whole-Club responsibility and commitment to encouraging and supporting women and girls in golf.

What is the purpose of the Women in Golf Charter?
* To encourage more women and girls to play the game and join clubs
* To inspire more families to enjoy golf as a group leisure activity
* To open up more opportunities for women to work within the golf industry

To view our Club Charter, select the "Club" tab at the top of this page, then select the "Women In Golf Charter" from the drop-down menu.


Summer Competitions (April – September) | Winter Competitions (October – March)
(Prizes presented at the Spring Meeting in April / Autumn Meeting in September)

MEDALS held monthly except December to February
STABLEFORDS held monthly October to March

* Fagan Cup – Club Championship (Scratch) – 36 holes played over 2 days
* Swinfin Quaich - Seniors Championship (Scratch, aged over 65 years) - 18 holes
* Monthly Medal & Stableford - April to September
* Do Do Butler Trophy - Stableford finalists play-off
* Brown Owl - Par competition 
* Keary Salvers - 36 holes medal, played over 2 days (alongside Club Championship)
* Coronation Foursomes - Charity event and area final 
* Invitation - Member & Guest, 4BBB with meal and presentation after golf
* Rosalie Trophy - Greensomes, played in support of a local charity
* Captain's Day - format decided by the Women’s Captain 
* Spring Meeting - Medal (morning) & 9-hole Greensomes (afternoon) with meal & presentation after golf
* Friendly Inter-club Matches - played midweek 
* Autumn Meeting - Medal (morning) & 9-hole Greensomes (afternoon) with meal & presentation after golf

* Lammin Foursomes - Foursomes matchplay (individual course handicap 36) 
* Challenge Bowl - Singles matchplay (course handicap limit 24) 
* Ibbetson Cup - Singles matchplay (course handicap limit 36) 
* Jubilee Bowl - Mixed foursomes matchplay

* Joan Wiggell Cup - points awarded for all competitions 
* Birdie Trophy - birdies scored in all 18-hole competitions 
* Par Competition - pars scored in Medals / Stablefords (course handicap 21+) 
* Hythe Shield / Tassel Trophy- medal scores (March - November)
* Silver Rabbit - summer Stableford scores (course handicap 29+)
* Summer Eclectic - best competition score on each hole 
* Nan Glass Trophy - best accumulative nett score in Spring & Autumn Meeting 

* Bradley Cook - scratch matchplay (team of 5)
* Holland Trophy - foursomes (handicap plus to 14.4)
* Tappin Trophy - singles match play (team of 3)
* Lohan Trophy - foursomes matchplay (adult & junior) 
* Coombe Cup - foursomes matchplay (age 68+) 
* Daily Mail Foursomes - Inter-Club knockout (age 18+) 
* Annodata - Inter-Club knockout (team of 5) 

* Branson Bowl - medal to qualify, followed by matchplay 
* Thistle Cup - foursomes matchplay (Ladies vs Men) 
* Kent Captain's Cup - mixed foursomes (2 pairs)
* Ladies & Men over 60 – 18-hole Greensomes followed by a meal
* Professional’s Day – format decided by Professionals
* Club Captain's Day - format decided by Captain
* President's Day - 18-hole Stableford 
* Max Walter Cup - 4BBB vs Club Captain & Professional 
* Anniversary Foursomes - August Bank Holiday 
* Social Mixed golf - held on Friday evenings during the summer months
* Easter Ambrose - 2 Women & 2 Men, followed by meal
* Captain's Drive In - Texas scramble + charity flags at Drive-in
* Christmas Mixed Foursomes - golf followed by a meal 
* Chicken Caper Competition - golf followed by Christmas lunch 
* Winter Eclectic – best score each hole (12 rounds)
* Winter American Trophy – 9-hole matchplay

* Lilian Faulkner - medal finalists play-off
* Austrian Trophy - 5-club Matchplay
* Cecil Leitch KLPFA - 5-club Stableford and area final 
* England vs Rest of the World - Greensomes / foursomes or 4BBB team
* Captain vs Secretary - Greensomes / foursomes or 4BBB team 

Kent (County) Winter Competitions
Pearson Trophy – 4 Counties Inter-Club Knockout (participation by invitation due to imposed handicap limits)
Kent Winter Fourball – Inter-Club 4BBB Knockout
Kent Business League – Inter-Club Matchplay (Teams of 5, must be working for eligible participation)

*All competitions are included with full competition detail in the RED BOOK, available online (Club V1; Members Documents), in the Clubhouse & in the Pro Shop. *

SVGC Women's Committee

Sene Valley Women’s Committee meet every month. The Committee help to keep the section running smoothly, and ensure the Women's Section is represented at Club Council meetings.