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Become a Sene Valley Golf Club Member

Join "the finest example of a downland course" golf club in the South East of England

We have a range of membership options available including tiered rates for under-35, and have a fantastic 2-year* Academy membership* option available which includes personal coaching and golf lessons from our team of PGA Professionals. Please click on the link below for our full range of membership options and current rates (rates change 1st June each year).

(Joining Fee applicable. Cotton Membership no longer available to new applications.)
Terms and conditions apply. For details, please contact the office.

In addition to the range of memberships noted above, as a registered Community Amateur Sports Club, Sene Valley Golf Club have provision for those members or prospective members who cannot afford to pay more than £520 per year for membership and associated costs. This provision is available (without discrimination) to persons who can reasonably demonstrate that they are unable to afford any of the Club's standard subscription charges. Acceptable evidence of an applicant's personal circumstances may be provided in the form of independent documentation (or proof) of income from all sources including any State benefits that the applicant may be receiving. Other forms of documentation (proving personal financial difficulty) may also be acceptable - but may be subject to independent verification before receiving the Council's approval. This Concessionary Rate will also be subject to an annual review however Sene Valley Golf Club gives assurances that our procedures in this matter will be discreet and confidential throughout the application process. All members that are accepted to the Club under this category will enjoy identical voting rights and privileges to our other standard categories of membership. Applications under this provision should be addressed to the Club Chair of Council and/or General Manager in the first instance.*

Membership Application Forms

The new membership year has now launched and we are accepting a limited number of applications for 2024/2025. The new membership subscription fee rates are available to download via the link below.
If you would like to submit an application for membership, please download and complete an application forn via the link below, then email your completed form to manager@senevalleygolfclub.co.uk
To discuss membership before making an application, please call the Office on 01303 268513 (option 1) and speak to Jo.